Thursday, January 27, 2011


Gonna go a bit offtopic in a way.
Today I suddenly remembered a dream I had one day, I really don't remember the details but I can give a quick overview.
Basically Tallinn was a bit bigger, I'd say the scale of New York but not as congested, more greener areas, less cars and generally quite bright in yellowish, warm tones.
I won't tell you how it began since I simply don't remember but sometime in I suddenly realized that there's a force occupying us. Now, I hear you go "omg Russia", no, surprisingly it was Italy. Yes, Italians occupied Tallinn, sadly they didn't bring pizza, they basically ruled with an iron fist.
Then the last thing I remember is a school that was fortified by the Estonian resistance and it was quite bombed to bits but it was warm out, like I said the yellow tones made it Falluja-esque.
And suddenly I saw things through the eyes of an Italian OOOOR I was just looking at things from another perspective.
Peculiar thing that brain of ours...

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