Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why are we HERE?

A chunk of minerals in its own little path around the bulbing hot star we have grown to call the Sun.
The sun on the tip of a collection of other stars and dust.
The galaxy in a vast mass of galaxies we simply call the Universe, the one collection of all that is.
The location is certain. The purpose and how remains a secret to us... forever?
We may speculate and theorize on and in the ways of how everything became to be.
Us, humans, the solar system, the damn Universe itself.
This purely is another theory based on my observations of the modern world. And to summarize? Parasite.
Us humans are parasites.
We consume.
We consume the very Earth we live on.
Based on observations from NASA we can safely say that there are no planets like our Earth in our near vicinity, thus the consumation of our planet is amazingly parasitical.
We consume till there's nothing left.
We're running low on everything.
Green movement? Bullshit, just a minor bump in the road to destruction.
Space travel to colonize other planets? Yeah, the lunar landing over 40 YEARS ago.
At this point it is clear that our purpose on this Earth is to just consume it.
So continue acting like the good consumers you are and ENJOY your fucking life. There is no purpose other than to consume till there's nothing left.
CONSUME AND PARTY HARD. We all will soon die anyway.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Iraq leaflet

Leaflet for Iraq, two sides: tourism side and a side for ensuring safety.
Tourism side:

Full size

Safety side:

Full size

Lumberjack Commando

“Lumberjack” Advertisement for the Canadian Armed Forces
(French: Forces armées canadiennes or baguette baguette baguette)

Tired of sitting home?
Tired of chopping down trees with your bare hands?
Tired of watching hockey and moose in your nearest forest?

If you can answer at least one of these questions with a brave Canadian howl of ‘YES!’ then you sound like a guy we need!

Presenting for the first time in Canadian history:

The Lumberjack Commando is a special branch of the Canadian Armed Forces that is comparable to the United States Marine Corps.

That’s right! The professionalism of the USMC in the goodness that is Canada!

What’s it in it for you? What’s NOT in it for you!? Here’s a list:
You get to serve in the manliest armed forces seen ever since the days of Sparta!
Beards are a MUST in the Lumberjack Commando!
You get to wear bulky suits that make you look even MORE manlier!
No hat looks silly on you!
You get to sing ‘O Canada’ with a manly tear in your eye!
People will take pictures of you and post them on the Internet thus making you internationally known!
Canada doesn’t have enemies so you get to fight wars initiated by third parties!

Why are you still reading this document? JOIN NOW!

Here are the ways how:

The Internet:


Your closest recruitment center


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

seitseteist pluss kaks

Tuba. Kergelt kollaka tooniga. Uksepoolses osas on nari, aknapoolses seinas aken kust kohiseb alatihti külma Põhjamaa kliimat sisse. Jääkuninganna buduaar. Aimdust sellest küll ei anna peale temperatuuri miski; seinal on Eesti lipp. Akna vastasolevas seinas on laud. Laual kuhi raamatuid; küll üks räägib tumedadest kunstidest, teine teismeliste ja vampiiride vahelistest suhetest; kae seal on ka üks austusega Druididele, taamal teine võluritele. Use vastasseinas on peegel, iga daami toa ilmselge osa! Küll on ta andnud valu inimestele kell puudub peegel, küll teistele on ta tekitanud pooltosin pluss üks aastat ebaõnne - muidugi teenitult. Lamp on talle saanud südamelähedaseks, talle muu lamp küll väga ei istu - pole randoomsuse austaja.
Suured mustad kardinad muudavad niigi külma toa veelgi tumedamaks ja hirmuäratavamks ent samas kuidagi kutsuvalt... koduseks.
Kõik need pildid ja ämblikud aga ei aita kaasa araknofoobidele.
Talle meeldib neid kokku lugeda: üks, kaks, kolm, neli, viis, kuus, seitse, kaheksa, üheksa, kümme, üksteist, kaksteist, kolmteist, neliteist, viisteist, kuusteist ja seitseteist.
Seitseteist pluss kaks; üks voodis, teine kapis muude luukerede vahel.
Voodialune on delikaatne võrgustik sõna originaalses tähenduses.
Kapi oma on ühte koljusse sarnase moodustise tekitanud, ripub praegugi silmaaugus.
Mõlemad on ta head sõbrad, voodialune tuiab ka niisama mujal ringi, tekitab võrke kui austusmärke jääkuningannale, jääkuninganna jätab neid ka aegajalt alles, et neid tõesti imetlete. Kapi oma ei taha aga välja tulla kartes repressiooni.
Ta lemmiksõna? Müsteerium. Nagu see sõna on müsteerium sest ta ei avalda seda, ta ainult narrib ja õrritab sellega aga ei avalda. Jääkuninganna.