Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The epic travel to the location socially known as: school

Exciting look into my exciting walk to school filled with excitement!

*Taam-taam-taam-taam* Hitchcocki "Psühho" tuntuima stseeni muusikalinetõus täitis mu toa enda madalakvaliteetse MIDI helinaga. See on mu äratus. Ma lükkan ta üheksa minutit edasi ja keeran teise külje. Üheksa minutit hiljem sama asi jälle, kordan sama protseduuri. Nii veel paar korda veel. Lõpuks ajan end üles kell kuus kolmkümmend ning loen inglise keele kaks teksti lõpuni. Lõpetan nendega kell seitse ja vaatan veel Näoraamatu üle, siis kähku duši alla, gruuming standard paika, riided kähku selga, kott kokku ja kohe õue bussi peale. Bussipeatus on väga lähedal ja ei võta üldse kaua aega et sinna jõuda. Väljas on juba nii mõnus ja valge, isegi linnukesed laulavad. See -20 kraadi ei kärise üldse nii hullult.
Hüppan number 63 peale ja kütan kesklinna suunas teele. Peale Poska peatust märkan trammi. Kreutzwaldis hüppan bussi pealt maha ja sätin sammud trammipeatuse poole, sinna saabub peagi number üks mis küll Tondile ei vii aga Hobujaama küll. Hobujaama jõudes astun maha ja märkan kaunist neiut. Hobujaamas pean ootama 2 minutit ning saabub ka number kolm millega saab Tondile. Vabaduse väljakul ronin maha ja sätin sammu kirdesse, valgusfoori juures aga kerge puänt ja suund kagusse, siis aga jälle kirdesse ja koolis ma ka olen!

Monday, February 14, 2011


A small text on the mathematics test in the naturalism flow of literature. Enjoy and/or vomit.

Ma vaatasin seda erutavat kuhja enda ees. Ma teadsin, et ta on must parem kuid ma siiski tahtsin teda teha. Ma ihalesin selle järele ehkki mul ei olnud kogemusi. Mul puudusid kõiksugu teadmised, ma olen ainult natuke kokku puutunud sellega ja ka need kogemused olid devasteerivad mu hingele. Pole hullu küll ma hakkama saan, ma pean lihtsalt puutuma tema tekstuuri, võtma endasse iga detaili ja kontrastiaimduse ja siis... ja siis ma alustan ja ei lõpeta enne kuni mu käsi on läbi kulutatud ja ta on täis märgitud minu hellade kuid siiski mingil määral rangete märkidejada.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

*metal creaking*
*rushing steam sounds*
*single klaxon*
*metal creaking*
"Stabilizing air pressure and oxygen levels"
*electronic chirping*
*metallic slide sound*
"Welcome to the Administration deck, 'subject_title_here' 'subject_name_here'"
*metallic slide sound*
"Hazardous materials detected. Activating quarantine!"
*breathing quickens*
*rise in heartbeat*
*metal CRASH!*
*plasma cutter firing*
*plasma cutter firing*
*plasma cutter firing*
*plasma cutter firing*
*metal CRASH!*
*plasma cutter firing*
*plasma cutter firing*
*sound of flesh being torn apart*
*platter of blood hitting the ground*

You are dead. Load last checkpoint?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sunny Inn

June 14, 2008
Ah my first day in sunny Wales! I don't even know why I chose to come here, I mean I barely know anything about Wales and yet here I am. Man, I sure love following my impulses!
The weather is lovely! Warm and sunny, not a cloud in sight. I think I should follow my impulses a lot more often!

June 15, 2008
It is my second day here in Wales, haven't spotted any dragons yet but there's plenty of sheep going around! Apparently the Welsh don't love sheep jokes... I wonder why.
OH! Almost forgot, I heard some Welsh today, amazing language.
I'm a bit worried about the weather though, it's getting a bit cloudy.

June 16, 2008
Damn it all! It's been raining the whole day and I ran my car off the road, luckily I see an inn up ahead, I could probably get a room there.
Get this, the inn is named The Sunny Inn, ironic, isn't it?
Got me a nice cosy room, can't really tell you more about the outside since it's so damn dark but the inn itself is really old and has a lot of aesthetic value! I think I'll settle in here for a bit longer, the owner doesn't seem to mind the new face!


June 23, 2008
I'm out of Hell. Oh why did I follow my instincts? WHY did I go to that cursed land?
I will quickly put down the notes of my body numbing, mind destabilising, soul wrecking trip to the Underworld, or to put it simply, Hell. I imagine at least it was Hell from the atrocieties I set my eyes upon. Fire, blood, death, agonies, the overall redness, the screams... the horrible screams that I can not get out of my head.

(Backstory work in progress for a possible map(mod) for Orange Box)


They hunger.
But what is it exactly that they hunger for?
Back in the 19th, 20th and the first half of the 21st century the main gain was such a rudimentary thing named 'money', silly.
Curry noodles with BBQ sauce are amazing.

It hurts

196 years ago the Body of the Bridgekeeper had perished in fire.
196 years into the future the Soul of the Bridgekeeper will perish in fire.
Now, the ripples in time have arrived to the Ethereal Realm, the destruction of the Mind of the Bridgekeeper opened up the Bridge and gave a way for the birth of the New Prince.
Chzo, the King. The God of Pain. The Elemental of Suffering.
The Prince gazed onto the New Prince and the Prince, the Arrogant Man, Cabadath knew the name of the King.
And the New Prince was perfect for he had gone through all the Blessed Agonies and then some, he had received physical pain in the from of shattering half his body, and the King liked this, he had received pain of the mind from being stuck in conditions that would break the strongest of minds, and the King liked this, he had received pain of the soul for meeting with a member of opposite sex and then immediatly losing her, and the King liked this.
He had put on the remaining garnments of the Body of the Bridgekeeper to avoid the death by the hands of Cabadath, the Arrogant Man, this in turn fused what had been left of the Bridgekeeper into the New Prince, and the King liked this.
Gazing at Chzo the New Prince knew what he had become and it hurts.
He was the new messenger of the King and it hurts.
He is amounts stronger than the Prince ever hoped to be and it hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts it hurts it hurts.
It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurt-

Inspired by the Chzo Mythos by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw